I've never had a BBC knock me up, but it seems like every black man I've been with was trying to. I guess that's what makes it so exciting getting laid by them, they're determined fuckers.
I love the way her toes are curled tight. I can easily imagine how hard she's cumming and what that milking vagina is doing to his cock. Love to have seen how much load he pumped into her as she milked his sperm out. He probably shot most of it straight into her womb. That potent black sperm is swimming toward her egg as he stays put.
Couldn't agree more. Just because they may be wives or girlfriends does not mean they don't have control over their own bodies. It is then a decision for the husband or boyfriend to decide if he will support her choices
Thank you for your service Sir lol. It is truly mind blowing to realise just how many white spouses are seeking the best there is when it comes to sex Sir