like him or not. he was the reason the whole genera got started. squirting white liquid on them while theyre having sex, making crude jokes. acting like a early 2000's college frat comedy. that was popular and entertaining. it was like 20-40 minutes of humor (even if it was annoying and cringe) and 10-20 minutes of actual nudity/sex. now its the exact opposite with the lack of humor
They( the bangbros) skipped him with the loud voice after a season. He was simply too stupid & ruined a lot of potentiel good videos. One of the best in the bangbros was with Isabella, what a natural body, wise & mental/ charming/ open latino women☺
He was simply too stupid & ruined a lot of potentiel good videos.
One of the best in the bangbros was with Isabella, what a natural body, wise & mental/ charming/ open latino women☺